June 2023

The Family of Dr Harvey Baker MB ChB MD FRCP who died in 2019, visited the Royal London Hospital on 16th June 2023 to hear a piano recital and to ‘open’ the newly embellished rooms in the dermatology department which are used by children undergoing minor procedures. The child friendly murals and educational materials were given by the family in memory of Dr Baker.


Dr Harvey Baker


Harvey’s wife Adrienne who had travelled from Israel, and daughters Caroline and Marion & their husbands attended. Two of Harvey’s grandchildren, one of whom is a doctor, accompanied their grandmother.

The piano recital was given by Dr Lewis Caplin, a Barts Alumnus and former local GP, who is a concert pianist. He had travelled in from Oxford. The Friends are very fortunate to have him as a volunteer. It was the second time he had volunteered to play for the Friends Music Project. He has a wide repertoire and a lovely touch. The family, and the patients in the foyer, enjoyed his playing immensely.

During the recital Mr Kenny Hanlon, Director of Estates at RLH and Ms Sue Finn, Corporate Manager, joined the group and were introduced to the family. Everyone was particularly grateful to them for looking in that day as they were very busy due to the junior doctors’ strike.

Following the recital the visitors went to the Dermatology Department to view the artwork and the educational materials. The Artist who created the murals is Sabine Bietzke, a freelance illustrator who currently divides her time between Germany and London and who was commissioned by Vital Arts. Sabine aims to connect people with the beauty and joy of nature in a gentle, holistic way. She has certainly succeeded with the murals she has created for children in the dermatology department. There is so much detail to see. The images hold attention as the underlying significance of each is revealed and as each component is explored, the variety it is fascinating. Undoubtedly the murals will be a continuing delight for generations of children passing through that department.

Following the viewing, with many members of the department present, some observations made while work was paused. Prof. Trevor Beedham, consultant emeritus & President of the Friends gave some personal memories. He spoke of happy times when he was one of Dr Baker’s junior consultant colleagues and the hospital was small enough that staff could support each other. Rino Cerio, Professor of Dermatopathology who succeeded Dr Baker, gave an account of his appointments, his considerable achievements and the contact which had continued since Dr Baker’s retirement. Dr Portia Goldsmith welcomed everyone to the tea on behalf of Prof. Edel O’Toole who was the instigator and manager of the art project, but was at a conference. Finally Jean Robinson Co-chair of the Friends, passed round the plaque. The design was praised and it will be displayed appropriately to commemorate the Family’s generous donation.

The family were given tea and a slice of celebratory cream cake. The occasion was very much enjoyed by all those present.

Prof Trevor Beedham 16.6.23

Baker Visit